Residential Real Estate Transactions
This program allows the extraction of up to 35 fields of information into a spreadsheet. The data is as current as the end of the previous business day. Select from the dropdowns and/or click the check boxes and click GO!.
The data base is searched for properties matching the criteria, a count is created and the cost for this individual search is calculated. A summary of the search is presented below the search criteria panel defining the results.
The summary may be deleted by clicking Delete Search or an additional search may be executed, the costs calculated, and the results posted in the search history. The aggregate cost of the transaction(s) is presented above the “Checkout” box in the credit card information panel.
A search for all single-family residences in Age Restricted communities in the Northwest Valley sold between 1/1/2019 and 1/10/2019 to new owners that intend to use the property as a rental is easily attainable. Included in the results are address, city state and zip, new owners name, tax mailing address if the property is bought to be a rental, latitude and longitude and physical description of the property.
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